
Pa MOLUKULE Samuel Effiong

Pa Samuel Molukule Effiong was born to Pa Johnson Effiong Dibumba of Lipenja II Batanga and Mama Agnes Elomo Effiong of Ikoli Batanga on the 17th of March 1933 at Lipenja II Batanga – Ndian Sub-division. He was the first child of a family of two. His only brother, Pa Daniel Ngura Effiong died in 2017.

Pa Molukule had five wives, twenty children, forty-one grandchildren, and thirty-two great-grandchildren.

His first wife, Mama Agnes Nyole Beteme Effiong of Esoki Batanga (late) had 3 children, Denis Elonge Effiong (late), Comfort Obase Effiong Epse Oshi, and Bekaka Effiong (late).

The second wife, Mama Esther Abala Akpeke Effiong of Lipenja I Batanga (late) had 7 children, Paul Njayo Molukule, Bridget Iseki Molukule Epse Chief Ebune (late), Florence Welle Molukule, Epse Misodi, Barrister Judith Elomo Molukule Epse Meriki, Mispa Youngwe Molukule, and stepchildren Christina & Godwin.

The third wife, mama Elisa Nambindi Effiong of Fabe-Bima, divorced has 1 child, Esther Isange Molukule Epse Chief Anki.

The fourth wife, mama Alice Meike Njuma Effiong of Ndian town has 3 children, Valantine Essono Molukule, Julius Ingeke Molukule, Eveline Pembe Molukule and many stepchildren.

The fifth wife, Julie Ebune Effiong of Meka Ngolo has 4 children, Patient Abala Molukule Epse Dnjania, Divine Epete Molukule, Brunhilda Kolo Molukule, Samuel Kundu Molukule, and 2 stepchildren, Babiaka and Frida.

Educational Life

In 1945, he attended the Native Authority School Lipenja 1 Batanga and later transferred to the Native Authority School in fiango Kumba.
In 1947, he was accepted to attend the Roman Catholic Mission School (RCM) Fiango Kumba because the Native Authority School was full.
At RCM School Fiango, he was awarded a testimonial of completion instead of a standard 5 certificate because he failed to meet the Catholic Religious requirements.
Pa Molukule was a smart and proud man who loved education. He could not see himself living without having standard 5 certificates, a reason he decided to write and pass the first school leaving certificate examination in 1980 to fulfill his academic quest.
Papa’s love of education could be seen in his ardent support for the education of his children, with his merger income, he was able to send all his children to school making him a proud father of 8 graduates including grandchildren.


Career Life

In 1950, he joined the Pamol Ndian as a laborer.
1952 – 1956 he joined the CDC Tiko where he worked as a dispenser for 4years.
1956 – 1959 he joined the Native Authority Council where he worked for 3 years as a tax collector.
1959- 1961 he was assimilated into the government as a Council worker and transferred to Ekondo-Titi as a tax collector.
In 1961 after the plebiscite, he was selected to attend the police academy in Mutengene under the Native Authority. At the training Centre, he was made an assistant course trainer in law and regulations following his brilliant performance at a contested exam.
At the police academy, his friends called him LUKULUKU because of his strange name Molukule.
He graduated from the police training academy and returned to his post at Ekondo-Titi.
1968 – 1971 he was transferred to Ndian town customary court as a messenger where he trained newly recruited court messengers.
1971- 1973 he was transferred to Ekondo Titi as court messenger.
1974 –1978 he was again transferred to Ndian town in the same capacity as court messenger.
1978 – 1984 he was transferred to Isangele and Idiabato as a senior tax collector
1984 – 1995 he was transferred to Mundemba municipal Council as chief clerk until his retirement in 1995.
During these periods that he was working at the creeks (Isangele& Idiabato), he settled his family in Ndian town for security reasons where they lived until 1988 when the entire family moved to Mundemba town.


Cultural Life

The name Molukule was given to Papa by the women’s “secret cult” called Risongo. It happens that, Pa’s mother was delivering extremely light complexion children who were being killed because the men thought they were aliens, and it was an abomination to have those types of children. Pa was the 8th child that was to be killed for the same reason thanks to the women's secret cult that conspired to save him by taking the baby boy to the women's secret house upon delivery.
Since Pa was saved by the women, he was assimilated into their cult. He was given the position of pacemaker ‘Ebuna-mango’ the one who saves.
Papa was an armor bearer and one of the mouthpieces of the entire Batanga community. He was the one to sound the bull horn ‘muango’ during the BOBOMBI WA BATANGA cultural assembly a service he rendered to the Batanga community until 2016. He was a member of Nganya, Butamu, and Isong the men’s cult where he was practically the last man standing.
In 2018, Pa saw the need to follow Christ after he slightly escaped death. He was then baptized in the Catholic faith and attended services regularly until his death.
Papa Molukule is survived by his 2 wives, 18 children, thirty-seven (37) grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren Nephews, nieces, friends, and world-wishers to mourn him.


Social Life

Pa Molukule was a very lively man who interacted with all ages .where ever he goes he must be noticed especially when he has some people in his trap to insult. Because of his love to be with people, even at his age challenges belonged to the Batanga family meeting mundemba.
Pa Molukule has left behind a wife, children, in-laws, grand children, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews, cousins, friends and well-wishers to bid him fare-well


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